kill - send signal to other process

int kill(int pid, int signal)

Kill sends a signal to another process. If something goes wrong -1 is returned, 0 otherwise.

Some signals and their supposed purpose:

SIGHUP Hangup, sent to process when user logs out
SIGINT Interrupt, normally sent by ctrl-c
SIGQUIT Quit, sent by ctrl-\
SIGILL Illegal instruction
SIGTRAP Trap, mostly used by debuggers
SIGABRT Aborts process, can be caught, used by Pike whenever something goes seriously wrong.
SIGBUS Bus error
SIGFPE Floating point error (such as division by zero)
SIGKILL Really kill a process, cannot be caught
SIGUSR1 Signal reserved for whatever you want to use it for.
SIGSEGV Segmentation fault, caused by accessing memory where you shouldn't. Should never happen to Pike.
SIGUSR2 Signal reserved for whatever you want to use it for.
SIGALRM Signal used for timer interrupts.
SIGTERM Termination signal
SIGSTKFLT Stack fault
SIGCHLD Child process died
SIGCONT Continue suspended
SIGSTOP Stop process
SIGSTP Suspend process
SIGTTIN tty input for background process
SIGTTOU tty output for background process
SIGXCPU Out of cpu
SIGXFSZ File size limit exceeded
SIGPROF Profile trap
SIGWINCH Window change signal

Note that you have to use signame to translate the name of a signal to it's number.

signal, signum, signame and fork